As climate change continues to be acknowledged as a pressing issue, humanity has taken steps towards preserving our planet by utilizing recycled materials such as glass,
paper, compost, organic waste, and reusable bags. Food, a fundamental resource provided by our planet, is a necessity for our survival.
While many are familiar with the concepts of vegetarianism and veganism, now is the opportune moment to delve into the realm of sustainable diets. Embracing a sustainable diet is not only crucial for the well-being of our environment, but also forour own health and the prosperity of future generations. Essentially, sustainability refers to our ability as humans to thrive harmoniously within the ecological boundaries of our planet.
A sustainable eating plan involves selecting foods that are not only beneficial to ourbodies but also to the environment. This can be achieved through SustainableAgriculture, which allows us to produce nutritious food without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to do the same. Sustainable eating is closely tied to the global foodeconomy and the negative health impacts of unhealthy eating habits, as well as theimportance of addressing food waste and hunger.
The EAT-Lancet Commission in America on Food, Planet, and Health, comprised of 37scientists, released a report in January 2019 highlighting the significance of a sustainable diet for the planet. This diet aims to protect the environment, combat
chronic diseases, and has the potential to feed nearly 10 billion people. The report
emphasizes the importance of reducing meat consumption, suggesting that individuals limit their intake to once or twice a week, with serving sizes ranging from 3-6 ounces. Itis not necessary to adopt a vegetarian or vegan diet, but rather to make conscious choices that support sustainability and overall health.
Factors that Contribute to Sustainable Eating:
Organic Food Movement
In India, sustainable healthy eating can empower our farmers as well. We must
intake organic food as it is pesticide-free, nutritional, and beneficial to farmers aswell as the environment. Organic farming is prevalent in Gurgaon as a group of
people started a community.
Purchase of Local and Seasonal Produce
Purchasing directly from local markets not only provides access to fresh products butalso supports our local farmers. Seasonal produce is particularly significant as
consuming fresh food is preferable to eating items that have been stored in cold storage.
In addition to the quality and freshness of the products, buying from local markets canalso be more cost-effective as local vendors do not charge GST (Goods and ServicesTax). Furthermore, upscale restaurants have recognized the advantages of sourcingingredients locally and have begun incorporating locally-sourced produce into theirgourmet recipes.
Grow & Cook Your Food
Due to sustainable eating, Kitchen gardens are back in the trend. Urbanhorticulture enthusiasts are cultivating on their terraces and balconies to set upinnovative gardens at home. It has led to the growth of hydroponic farming,
greenhouses, and tools like altifarm, a mobile tiered garden, and various moremethods to start gardening within small spaces at home.
We Indians traditionally started making our pickles, sweets, and snacks, and wecan add foreign flavors as well as other cultural foods to follow the same criteriathat can help us to maintain sustainable eating.
Donate or Reuse Your Food
Food waste is predominantly biodegradable, but the improper segregation and growingamount of wasted food are gradually exacerbating the food crisis. To combat this issue, it is important to plan your shopping wisely and avoid cooking more than necessary.
Additionally, you can utilize peels and organic waste to create fertilizers for yourgarden.If you find yourself with leftover food after a function or party, consider donating it. InIndia, organizations such as No Food Waste, which operates in cities like Chennai, Delhi
NCR, and Ahmedabad, accept surplus items from party venues and restaurants toprovide meals for the underprivileged and homeless. By taking these simple steps, wecan all play a part in reducing food waste and helping those in need.